Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

This is a short video about how technology is influencing writing and communication. I think it relates to all teachers at this level. Especially with our new technology building around the corner.


Meredifay said...

I'd love to have a blog for all my classes, or some form of on-line interactions - scheduled chat room sessions or an on-going message board. If I were full time I would, but as an adjunct, time is money and I can't simply afford the time it would take to maintain something like this over the course of a semester.

I do design and facilitation consulting for on-line communities.

It would be great if JCC could acknowledge that the time involved in these on-line interactions is face time with students, and paid us something for that time.

Anonymous said...

Good words.